Holistic Treatments For Acid Reflux

Hello, my name is Robert Young. Welcome. I am here to talk to you about medical procedures used to correct sinus problems. When I moved to a new area, I discovered that I was allergic to the plants in that location. I tried to remedy the situation using local honey, allergy medications and other tactics that just did not work. Once the sinus symptoms started occurring, I went to a specialist to receive care and find a solution. My specialist performed a simple corrective procedure to help improve sinus drainage and reduce the severity of my allergies. On this site, I will help everyone better understand procedures used to correct sinus problems. Thank you for visiting.

Holistic Treatments For Acid Reflux

21 July 2022
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

Acid reflux can make you pretty uncomfortable. You may down to go to sleep at night, and your chest starts burning. You try to enjoy a movie, but then that hot feeling starts to creep into your throat. There are lots of medications out there that can help ease your symptoms. However, if you would rather take a holistic approach, that's possible, too. Here are some holistic treatments to try for your acid reflux.

Licorice Root

No, the red, chewy candy known as licorice won't do much for your acid reflux. However, real licorice root should. Licorice has long been known for its stomach-soothing qualities. It can stimulate your stomach and even your esophagus to produce more mucous, which will protect your esophageal lining from acid attacks. You can take licorice root pills, or you can simply look for little pieces of licorice root for sale. Chew on them; don't swallow them. This is something people used to do in the American West, both to enjoy the licorice flavor and to encourage better digestion.

Marshmallow Root

Marshmallow root is a special, medicinal root that you can find in many health food stores. Usually, it is sold in capsule form, although there are licorice root teas available. Marshmallow root can help tone smooth muscles, including the smooth muscle that forms the sphincter between your stomach and your esophagus. In doing so, it can help this sphincter close more fully, which will help prevent acidic stomach contents from washing up into the esophagus and burning it.

Raw Potato Juice

Raw potato juice is another common, holistic remedy for acid reflux and heartburn. People often take it to put an end to an attack, or to prevent an attack after a big or acidic meal. You can make your own raw potato juice by soaking peeled, cubed potatoes in water for a few hours. Chill the drink, and take a few sips whenever you feel the acid starting to build up. The starch in the water can help coat your esophagus and ease the pain.

You can also find flavored raw potato juice for sale at many health food stores — and this tends to taste better.

Acid reflux can be a real pain, but there are steps you can take to ease its symptoms holistically. Try the remedies above. You may find that one works best for you, or you might want to use them all at times. For more information on holistic medicine, contact a professional near you.

About Me
Learning About Corrective Procedures for Sinus Problems

Hello, my name is Robert Young. Welcome. I am here to talk to you about medical procedures used to correct sinus problems. When I moved to a new area, I discovered that I was allergic to the plants in that location. I tried to remedy the situation using local honey, allergy medications and other tactics that just did not work. Once the sinus symptoms started occurring, I went to a specialist to receive care and find a solution. My specialist performed a simple corrective procedure to help improve sinus drainage and reduce the severity of my allergies. On this site, I will help everyone better understand procedures used to correct sinus problems. Thank you for visiting.
