What To Expect When Having Impacted Wisdom Teeth Removed
If your dentist tells you that you need to have impacted wisdom teeth removed, you will need to make an appointment with an oral and maxillofacial surgeon to have the process done. The surgery will be done as an out-patient procedure, so you will be able to go home soon after the teeth have been removed. Here is some information about what to expect during the surgery and some tips for a quick recovery after the procedure has been completed.
Before The Surgery
If you are having impacted wisdom teeth extracted, your surgeon will look over the X-rays your dentist sends to their office and will decide if the procedure can be done in their office or if you need to go to a hospital. If you are having all four wisdom teeth extracted, they may send you to a hospital so they can be better prepared if there is excessive bleeding.
Your surgeon may recommend that you fast and hold off on drinking water for several hours before the surgery. This recommendation is because they will be using anesthesia and it is procedure to have an empty stomach when using it to avoid aspiration.
During The Surgery
You will go to the surgical room and sit in a regular dentist's chair to have the procedure done. You will be given a local anesthetic to numb the area around the mouth. They will then give you the general anesthetic so you will be asleep and pain-free during the surgery.
Your surgeon will cut open the gum area where each tooth is impacted underneath. They will remove any bone that is covering the impacted wisdom teeth and then cut the teeth out of the tissue holding them in place. Sometimes you will need to have your teeth broken into small pieces in order to remove them from your mouth. After the teeth are removed, your surgeon will sew up the gum area with dissolving stitches.
After The Surgery
You will need someone to drive you home when you have woken up from the anesthesia. Bite down on a piece of gauze after the procedure and change it out when it is filled with blood. It is recommended that you rest for a few days after the procedure. When in bed, prop yourself up with several pillows, as lying on your back can make the bleeding from the surgery last longer. Start eating soft foods and work your way up to more solid foods a day or so later. Gargle with a saltwater mouthwash a few times a day to help keep your mouth from becoming infected. Talk to a professional like New Image Cosmetic & Family Dentistry for more information.